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BURTON Snowpark Horní Mísečky

Skiën en Snowboarden



The snowpark is located in the central part of the Horní Mísečky area and is served by a separate ski lift.

Various fun elements are designed to satisfy both less experienced snowboarders and skiers, as well as the more demanding and advanced.

In addition, the area is complemented by the Funtrack Horní Mísečky, which is built at the beginning of the slope. 



The snowpark is located in the central part of the Horní Mísečky area and is served by a separate ski lift.

Various fun elements are designed to satisfy both less experienced snowboarders and skiers, as well as the more demanding and advanced.

In addition, the area is complemented by the Funtrack Horní Mísečky, which is built at the beginning of the slope. 

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