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Bike trip through Petrovka to Moravská bouda, Sedmidolí and Davidovky

In Špindl at the bus station, wait for the cycle bus - timetable here and let yourself be taken 9 km almost to the Czech-Polish border to an altitude of 1157 m above sea level to Erlebachova bouda (near Špindlerův Mlýn). You will go by bike in the…

In Špindl at the bus station, wait for the cycle bus - timetable here and let yourself be taken 9 km almost to the Czech-Polish border to an altitude of 1157 m above sea level to Erlebachova bouda (near Špindlerův Mlýn). You will go by bike in the direction of Petrovka, Moravská bouda. Treat yourself to a delicious lunch at Moravská bouda. Attention: about 1 km below Moravská bouda there is a 250 m long difficult passage with stones. There are also navigable roads waiting for you. You continue through Sedmidolí, where you will have a beautiful view of the Giant Mountains. Under Davidovky you can either continue to Špindl, but we recommend you turn right along the blue direction Medvědín bouda. From Medvědí bouda you follow the panel still downhill in the direction of Medvědí koleno, where you join the road to Špindl.
At the Davidovy boudy apartments, you can also turn left at the crossroads and follow the green Sudeten Road for about 2 km, where you will connect to the road to Špindl.

Short description of the cycle route: Špindl → cycle bus stop Erlebachova bouda → Erlebachova bouda → Petrovka → Moravská bouda and Dvořákova bouda → Sedmidolí → Davidovky → along the blue → Medvědí bouda → Medvědí koleno → back to Špindl

Total length and duration: 11 km / approx. 2 - 3 h
Elevation gain: ascent ↑ 178 m, descent ↓ 624 m
Difficulty: 2/5 low, also suitable for children, you are still going downhill
Refreshments on the route: YES - Erlebachova bouda, Moravská bouda, Sedmidolí, Medvědí bouda, Myslivna

Webcams: Dvořákova bouda

Details and details of this bike route can be found - here

Good to know that: Most of the trip you go downhill. About 1 km below Moravská bouda is a 250 m long stony passage. At David's Buds at the crossroads, you have three route options. Either down to Špindl, or to the right along the blue direction Medvědí boudy or to the left along the green one along the Sutetská road. All these paths will take you down to Špindl and you will not make a mistake with any of them. You can also try these alternative routes during your next cycling trips in the Giant Mountains.

You can see a map of the cycle route - here

Track altitude profile:

Převýšení cyklo trasy profil Moravská Petrovka Medvedi Spindl


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