Route description
The bus will take you from the centre to Špindlerova Bouda, where you will walk through Petrova Bouda, which burned down in 2011, and on to the Dívčí kameny, one of the most interesting places in the Giant Mountains. They are already visible from a great distance on the ridge route, the top rocks reach up to 8 meters high and there is a very nice panoramic view.
About 700 metres from Dívčí kameny you will find 4 metres higher granite rocks, which are called Mužské kameny. Then you go through the Sněžné Jámy, which are impressive glacial craters on the northern and eastern slopes of the High Plain, between the High Wheel and Violík mountains, to the Elbe Spring, where your expedition culminates.
After refreshing yourself, you will return to the centre of Špindlerův Mlýn via the picturesque Elbe Mine.
The whole trip you will be surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Giant Mountains and fascinating rock formations, which are worth seeing when visiting Špindlerův Mlýn.
Important information
You are in the first protective zone of the Krkonoše National Park. Protect nature, do not step off the marked paths, do not pick flowers and do not throw away garbage.
Spindleruv Mlyn
Špindlerova Bouda
Petrova Bouda
Dívčí kameny
Mužské kameny
Vysoké kolo
Snow pits
The source of the Elbe
Labská bouda
Spindleruv Mlyn

Petrova bouda is located on the ridge of the Giant Mountains near the state border with Poland. The first mention is from 1790, when a summer cottage…
Petrova bouda is located on the ridge of the Giant Mountains near the state border with Poland. The first mention is from 1790, when a summer cottage stood on the current site. The fate of the hut was sealed by a fire that broke out on July 31, 2011. At present, a new Petrovka is built on the ridges.
A well-known rock wall, which is made up of a smaller number of block-shaped and tower-like tors. The rocks reach up to 8 meters. Dívčí kameny (1414 m…
A well-known rock wall, which is made up of a smaller number of block-shaped and tower-like tors. The rocks reach up to 8 meters. Dívčí kameny (1414 m above sea level) is named after a shepherdess who, according to legend, died not far from here.
The peak of Mužské kameny (1417 m above sea level) is part of the border Silesian ridge. It lies on the red-marked ridge Path of Czech-Polish Friendship…
The peak of Mužské kameny (1417 m above sea level) is part of the border Silesian ridge. It lies on the red-marked ridge Path of Czech-Polish Friendship above Medvědí důl, about 4 kilometers west of Špindlerova bouda. The dominant feature of Mužské kameny is a tower-like wall of granite rocks over 50 meters long with a height of 10 to 11 meters with boulder and debris fields.
Two massive glacial cirques on the eastern slope of the High Plain. At the bottom of the Great Snow Pit there are two glacial lakes, and a basalt vein…
Two massive glacial cirques on the eastern slope of the High Plain. At the bottom of the Great Snow Pit there are two glacial lakes, and a basalt vein runs through the Small Snow Pit, in the vicinity of which there are two hundred species of rare plants. Above the pits rises a hut reminiscent of Krakow Castle.
The symbolic spring of the Elbe is modified for the sake of attractiveness for visitors to the Krkonoše Mountains, it lies in the peat bogs on the Elbe…
The symbolic spring of the Elbe is modified for the sake of attractiveness for visitors to the Krkonoše Mountains, it lies in the peat bogs on the Elbe meadow at an altitude of 1387 meters. The rising water is enclosed in a stone ring, the surrounding space is paved and supplemented with benches for sitting. The stone wall near the ring depicts 26 large European cities through which the Elbe flows on its way to the Baltic Sea. There are also two memorial plaques installed here, the first of which was placed here by the Czech Tourist Club to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the birth of Jan Buchar, the second plaque mentions the 80th anniversary of organized tourism in the Krkonoše Mountains and at the same time the centenary of the birth of Jan Buchar. The red tourist route from Jilemnice was named after this educational promoter of tourism in the Krkonoše Mountains.

It is a popular stop for tourists heading to the source of the Elbe. Hotel Labská bouda is located in the first zone of the Giant Mountains National Park.…
It is a popular stop for tourists heading to the source of the Elbe. Hotel Labská bouda is located in the first zone of the Giant Mountains National Park. It is situated at an altitude of 1340 m on the Elbe meadow northwest of Špindlerův Mlýn, less than 1 km from the source of the Elbe. The modern building from 1975 bears the same name as the inn, which burned down in 1965. However, the history of this place dates back to 1830, when an enterprising woman allegedly sold goat products and spirits to passers-by and had a small booth made of stones, bark and brushwood.

A state nature reserve, a mountain valley of glacial origin between Dívčí Lávky and Labská louka.
A state nature reserve, a mountain valley of glacial origin between Dívčí Lávky and Labská louka.